
Formula 1 App


An F1 app with calendar, standings and a 'Is it rawe ceek yet?' page

Formula 1 App screenshot

Update: Turns out maintaing an app and staying compliant with app store/google play store isn’t that easy. For now you’ll have to do with the above screnshots.


🍎 iOS App Store

🤖 Google Play Store


The motivation for this project was my newfound interest for Formula One, and the fact that I had wanted to make mobile app of some sorts. I wanted to make an F1 app that combined the race calendar and schedule and some of the memes that come out of F1. Finally I wanted to find out how hard it is to publish an app to app store/google play store.

How hard is it to publish an app to app store?

At this point I had developed apps in React Native and published them to TestFlight, now I wanted to develop and publish an app on my own. My motivation was to find out how hard it was to get the app from TestFlight to the actual Apple App Store, but also to Google Play Store . As mentioned I had worked with React Native, so now I wanted to try Flutter. Due to my passion for motorsports I decided to make an app displaying info about upcoming races, with a hint of memes from the F1 community.


To publish an app to the iOS App store you need an Apple Developer Account which is an annual subscription. Google also has this requirement, but this is obtained with a one-time purchase.

After building the app both stores requires all the sufficient app store information that is to be displayed on the store page, in addition to app icons and images in different formats. Finally both stores requires that the app go through a review to make sure no regulations are broken. If it is approved, it is published within 2-3 days. In conclusion, this is a timely process, but not something I regret having tested.