
Patient Monitoring App

React Native

An application that allows remote monitoring of patients

Patient Monitoring App screenshot

Bachelor Thesis

This was a product developed as part of my bachelor thesis written for, and in cooperation with Infiniwell AS. Infiniwell operate within the health sector, and create solutions that combine AI with data streamed directly from patient monitors. The applications was to work as a decision support system for health professionals while also making patient status information available for nurses and other relevant personell. The application was developed with 3 other Computer Engineer students.


We were to develop a cross-platform application for both Android and iOS using Infiniwell’s existing API to ensure consistency with their Sentio system. The most important requirements were access to the patient monitor data, and the ability to view trends (HR, SPo2, etc…). Furthermore, notifications would be an important feature as nurses/doctors could receive alerts if a patient’s status became critical.


At the end of the semester we finished our app, SentioApp, an app that lets health personell view realtime data from patient monitors connected to their patients. The app streams live data and displays trends of different vital measures. It allows nurses/doctors to be notified if something happens, and facilitates communication between health personell via chat. The pictures above are screenshots directly from the app.